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By the end of this course, students will be able to:


  1. Develop a set of literary techniques and skills, such as close reading, critical analysis, and cogent, forceful writing

  2. Identify historical, cultural, social, economic, and/or political developments that have shaped (and in some instances, continue to shape) the Literature in each course (American, British, Contemporary, World)​

  3. Present logical, well-reasoned arguments in written and oral form in analysis of print and digital media

  4. Draw connections among literary works from different genres, cultures, and historical moments



Use these SLOs to make decisions on your projects!

Student Learning OutComes


Academic institutions exist for the transmission of knowledge, the pursuit of truth, the intellectual and ethical development of students, and the general well-being of society. Undergraduate students must be broadly educated and technically skilled to be informed and productive citizens. As citizens, they need to be able to think critically about significant issues. Students also need to be prepared to complete undergraduate work and a major course of study. The mission requires a high level of knowledge about and competence in the following areas:

General Education Competencies

Covered in this Course:


A. Arts and Humanities: Demonstrate an understanding of the arts and humanities in historical and cultural contexts.


E. Cross-Cultural Awareness: Demonstrate the ability to critically compare and contrast world cultures in historical and/or contemporary contexts.


G. Communication: Effective oral and written communication is the means by which all competencies will be demonstrated.


H. Critical Thinking: Demonstrate the ability to assemble information relevant to a significant, complex issue, evaluate the quality and utility of the information, and use the logical outcome of the analysis to reach a logical conclusion about the issue.


I. Ethical Judgment: Demonstrate an ability to identify, comprehend, and deal with ethical problems and their ramifications in a systematic, thorough, and responsible way.

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